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FAIR Health Consumer Access


In Sea of Information, Consumers Swim to FAIR Health’s Shoppable Services Tool

As hospitals seek to comply with new federal transparency rules, consumers are finding FAIR Health’s newly launched shoppable services tool already allows them to compare costs for hundreds of shoppable services for free. The tool has attracted nearly 30,000 unique visitors since its recent launch.

FAIR Health to Launch New Allowed Benchmarks

In December, FAIR Health will launch two new offerings in its suite of FH® Allowed Benchmarks: FH® Allowed Telehealth and FH® Allowed Inpatient Facility ICD Proc/Rev. These will be in addition to FH® Allowed ASC Facility, which launches this month, and the enhancements to FH® ASC Facility released last month.

FAIR Health Presents to the National Association of Insurance Commissioners

On July 27, FAIR Health President Robin Gelburd addressed a working group of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners in a presentation entitled “FAIR Health Efforts to Advance Price Transparency.” Ms. Gelburd discussed FAIR Health’s healthcare price transparency initiatives and presented data and resources from FAIR Health’s free consumer website,


FAIR Health Presents at Northeast Business Group on Health Webinar

On April 27, FAIR Health President Robin Gelburd presented to the Northeast Business Group on Health (NEBGH) at a webinar entitled “The Kids Are Not OK: Covid-19 and Children’s Mental Health.” Ms. Gelburd presented data related to FAIR Health’s study The Impact of COVID-19 on Pediatric Mental Health.

FAIR Health Elects James W. Lytle to Board of Directors

The FAIR Health Board of Directors has elected James W. Lytle, a senior counsel at Manatt, Phelps & Phillips LLP, to the Board. A national, independent nonprofit organization dedicated to bringing transparency to healthcare costs and health insurance information, FAIR Health is governed by a Board comprising leaders from all parts of the healthcare sector.

FAIR Health Delivers Keynotes at National and Regional State of Reform Conferences

FAIR Health President Robin Gelburd virtually delivered afternoon keynote addresses at the first-ever State of Reform Federal Health Policy Conference on April 7 and the Northern California State of Reform Health Policy Conference on April 22. The addresses were Ms. Gelburd’s eighth and ninth presentations to a State of Reform conference.


Monthly Telehealth Regional Tracker Completes Full Year of Data

FAIR Health’s Monthly Telehealth Regional Tracker, launched last May, has now collected a complete 12 months of data for 2020. This enables a look back at the evolution of telehealth from January to December 2020—largely in response to COVID-19—as compared to the same months in 2019.

FAIR Health Releases Study on Impact of COVID-19 on Pediatric Mental Health

In March and April 2020, mental health claim lines for individuals aged 13-18, as a percentage of all medical claim lines, approximately doubled over the same months in the previous year. This is among the many findings in FAIR Health’s new white paper, the seventh of its COVID-19 studies.

FAIR Health Presents on Balance Billing at ACHE

Next week, FAIR Health President Robin Gelburd will virtually present to the American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE) Congress on Healthcare Leadership. From March 22 through March 25, conference attendees can view Ms. Gelburd’s on-demand session, entitled “Balance Billing: The Implications for Healthcare Executives of Current Legislation, Policy and Regulation.”


In a Pandemic Year, FAIR Health Expands Its Research Role

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, FAIR Health’s research role became even more vital in 2020 than in the past. Focusing on COVID-19, we accelerated the pace of our research studies, and external researchers cited our data and studies at four times the rate of the year before.

FAIR Health Research

FAIR Health publishes original data studies exploring healthcare-related issues. Not surprisingly, most of this year’s studies concerned the COVID-19 pandemic, including five data briefs and a white paper. In addition, we created the Monthly Telehealth Regional Tracker and other resources focused on telehealth.

External Research

External researchers rely on FAIR Health data and publications for a broad array of studies featured in prominent journals and government reports. This year’s external research included studies from JAMA, Health Affairs and the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC), among others. Topics included COVID-19, telehealth, cancer care and pediatric care.

FAIR Health Consumer Access
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